Mal Weeraratne is a Tantra Master and has founded Tantric Journey – a pioneering holistic treatment program that incorporates Tantric and Tao bodywork techniques alongside other recognised holistic modalities and emotional release techniques.


The aim of Mal Weeraratne unique treatment is aiding people to gain release from negative trauma to overcome a range of physical, sexual and emotional difficulties including:  depression, sexual dysfunction, menopausal problems, vaginismus, addictions, past trauma and low self-esteem.

Mal Weeraratne is dedicated to his work in the field of emotional release through bodywork and is committed to increasing awareness of work and techniques in this field. He has travelled the world to further his knowledge of the field of human sexuality and emotional release and he has treated thousands of clients from around the world.

As a certified Tantra Educator, founder of Tantric Journey – School of Healing and Awakening and author of Emotional Detox through bodywork Mal Weeraratne’s knowledge of emotional release and Tantra is outstanding. What Mal Weeraratne has created in Tantric Journey is a powerful and transformative therapy that is capable of releasing trauma at a cellular level within the body aiding emotional and physical recovery.

Contact Mal Weeraratne to find out about the Tantric Journey.

Understanding my work

Mal is the founder of Tantric Journey Bodywork which releases layers of trapped negative emotion that have been stored within the cellular system, this can prompt a healing crisis to occur. Mal has treated thousands of clients from all over the world and has encountered many clients that have been confused about the initial symptoms of emotional release.

Mal Weeraratne explains that, ‘’It is important to understand that when we begin to strip away layers of armour through bodywork, it can be as significant and painful as the original trauma because the first stage of a healing crisis is to come out of numbness and bring back sensation and emotion to the body.’’ If you have been numb for years it can be frightening when the sensations arise. Coming out of numbness into sensation is the first step in healing, but it can be a daunting process.

The release of trapped negative emotions may take place during the session and after the session; indeed it is usual for this to continue for up to three days after treatment.

Typically, three days after treatment you will be less negative and feel more positive and alive. The healing recovery process will depend on the amount of blocks one has and the intensity of the treatment. Some clients have taken over 2-3 weeks to recover and there is no way of telling how long recovery will take. Release comes in many forms and the most common indications that you’re experiencing a healing crisis can include headache, nausea, and fever. During the crisis, a recurrence of symptoms from long forgotten illnesses may also occur, but every client is different and so are their symptoms.

Remember when experiencing an ‘emotional cleanse’, which is what Tantric Journey bodywork does for you it is important to keep sight of the fact that it is normal and only to be expected that the anxieties that we wish to cleanse will appear to worsen post-treatment this all a natural process of bringing the emotions to the surface so that they can be cleared out. This time can be very difficult and can mean that you feel very vulnerable, it is not the therapy or therapist to blame for the negative feeling, just a natural elimination of negative emotions that have been stored within your bodies cellular memory.  You need to drink plenty of water and natural juices, avoiding caffeine, alcohol and stimulants and eat a healthy diet to aid the process; but most importantly talk to your therapist and make sure you have lots of positive support around you.


Emotional Detox through bodywork

In Mal Weeraratne’s book, ‘Emotional Detox through Bodywork’ he explains how, harnessing sexual energy rejuvenates and improves physiological, emotional, psychological and spiritual health.

This is a self-help guide that is jammed full practical advice and techniques to teaches women how to take control of the sexual energy within their bodies to remove trauma stored in the form of emotions.

The book is really an explanation of Author Mal Weeraratne treatment technique called Tantric Journey which encompasses Tantric-Tao Bodywork. A technique developed by Mal to eliminate traumatic experiences at a cellular level in the body in order to start living a positive life. Mal has developed the technique over the course of two decades and has gone on to successfully treat over three thousand women with his specialist treatment plan.

In his book, Mal reveals how all women are capable of experiencing emotional freedom and ecstatic bliss and goes on to provide readers with a unique understanding of how the female body may be activated to deepen ecstatic states.

Emotional Detox through bodywork is packed with practical advice and tips and readers will learn emotional trauma can block pleasure and cause disease; the difference between soft penetration and deep sustained penetration, including how to avoid premature male ejaculation; the secrets and history of female ejaculation; techniques for awakening and yoni massage; and will come to understand how emotional trauma can block pleasure and cause disease.

Tantric Journey Tantric Workshop London  

Tantra is a growing ancient culture and art in the Western world due to the rise in human disconnection. The world’s technology has grown sophisticated that there are various modes of communication and point of contact but unfortunately very little human connection due to isolation by choice. People are no longer connected to themselves or their loved ones as much as they should be, busy schedules, increasing commitments, lack of money, broken homes, substance abuse, uncontrollable social dynamics, sexual abuse, physical abuse, propaganda and media intervention are some of the few reasons to hold account for this predicament.

Tantra holds the key to connection – to create connection to your inner self which in return will allow you to create connection with others and your loved ones. In a society that reminds people to be humane Tantra will help heal past hurt as the goal and process of Tantra is to surpass hurt in order to attain happiness and bliss.

Having worked with over 3000 women from all over the world spanning across U.S, Europe, U.K and Asia and having recognized the dire need of healing therapy to reconstruct people, I took the initiative to introduce Tantric massage training UK.  Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening, my brainchild, was opened to help people heal and teach the art of healing to anyone who wanted to become a healer. Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening teaches the pioneer therapy called ‘Tantric Journey Bodywork’. Bodywork is an artisanship crafted with years of research, teachings and validations by masters of the art in order to apply the healing massage techniques that bring about Emotional Detox.

Educator Logo

Tantric massage in London is abundant but many do not hold the essence of the Tantra teaching as they are only intended for pleasure, but whereas the essence of Tantric massages is to heal and connect to higher source energy to live at optimum. This is done by  acting as mediator to our client to help the client to remove negative stagnant emotions in the cellular memory in the body’s cells that block the positive energy flow (positive emotions) that contribute to our health, love, happiness and ecstasy.

Tantric Journey Bodywork can be set apart from many standard Tantra massages as every client I treat has always had near 100% success rate in healing. As I mentioned before, the Tantric Journey Bodywork is not purely intended for pleasure, the Tantric massage is performed to heal past trauma such as sexual abuse, physical abuse and psychological abuse that is stored in the body’s cellular memory. Tantra is weaving the spiritual body, emotional body and the physical body in order to connect to the divine source energy to attain a state of bliss and happiness.

Therefore, I work as a meditator assisting the weaving by removing stagnant negative emotions and energy blocks and physical blocks stored as toxins in the body. The client is subjected to a well-planned procedure before the Tantric massage treatment. At a comfortable pace between the practitioner (me) and the client in environment that is safe to the client, the client goes through talking therapy, body movements such as yoga, breath work, sounds such as mantras and eventually the Tantric massage treatment at her own pace. Most importantly, I will meet the client where she is, accepting who she is with unconditional love and take her on the inner journey where ever she wants to go.

I have also treated couples in order to re –kindle love and resurrect their relationships by increasing trust and intimacy.

Apart from performing the Tantric massage in London and offering Tantra Teacher Training courses every month and weekend Tantric workshops London, now my teachings have been extended to Thailand. I am conducting an Emotional Detox through Tantra & Tao Bodywork at the Tao Garden Health Spa & Resort in Chiang Mai in Thailand with the Qigong Grandmaster Mantak Chis onthe 03rd of July 2016, click here for further details (

Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening conducts its Tantric workshops in London at the Tantric Journey Temple. The workshops are of three types namely, Tantra Taster Evening, Tantra Teacher Training Course and Emotional Detox through Tantra & Tao Bodywork.

Tantra Taster Evening is intended for the Tantra novice to be introduced to Tantra and its teachings. The workshop will showcase how Tantra can be integrated into your life and its beneficial aspects. The Tantra Teacher Training course is a certified Tantric massage training UK one of its kind, for anyone who want to learn the art of Emotional Detox through Tantra & Tao Bodywork in order to start a career or add an extra skill to their portfolio. And last the weekend workshop is the Emotional Detox through Tantra and Tao Bodywork is intended for coupled and singles to learn and experience the art of Emotional Detox through Tantra and Tao Bodywork to release negative emotions such as hurt and trauma in order to cultivate and build loving relationships with themselves, their loved ones and others.

Therefore Tantra and the Tantric treatments and teachings by the Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening can revolutionize human connectivity.

Mal Weeraratne is renowned for his well-known Tantric Journey therapy, Mal has a passion for assisting people to enhance their lives giving them freedom and liberating their lives.

Mal Weeraratne is a British Pioneer In the Area of Emotional Release through bodywork, Who has studied in various accredited institutes under pioneers & experts earning him the accolade of being the first Certified Tantra Educator in the UK.

Mal has worked in the field of Human Sexuality since 1994, both in learning and treating over 3000 clients from all walks of life.

Read what some of Mal’s clients have to say about how this revolutionary therapy has changed their lives.

Hello Mal,

Its nearly a week since my session, the results are still developing beautifully. After a few days of feeling and looking a bit pale and low in energy, today I had a client for bodywork; the quality of my work seems positively affected, I had a really good time too! My family relationships are nicer, I am less edgy and more gentle, although firm. My energy is better…even my body odours are improved!

I’m experiencing my body more as I used to in the Sannyas Commune – as one flowing gorgeous organism, open, with immediate potential for pleasure and swift release of trauma.

Your brochure is a professional piece of work, and I have no hesitation in handing it around to the right people.

Gabrielle Naturopath – London

January 2013



Hello Mal,

I am back in my job here in the Bank Colombia. I have been here for 3 weeks and it has been difficult to adapt again, because I really enjoyed my 6 months there. Today, I have to tell you THANK U, because London hadn’t been same without you. You made better and more comfortable my stay in London.

I have missed you a lot and I have been remembering you all the time…


You were one of these angels for me…

I recognize that I love my family and I missed them a lot, that my city is beautiful, that we have the best weather in the world, that people here is very warm and we have everything we need to live well and loved…but now, I must accept that I don’t have any barriers, that there are many possibilities in the world and I can do whatever I want… For that reason I know that we can see us again and there are no limits to find us and to hug us again.



KTA – London

October 2011


Dear Mal,

I saw you on Friday evening. Thank you so much for your wonderful knowledge.

I came to you at my lowest ebb. Your treatment was like receiving/ experiencing a little bit of heaven. As the minutes moved on – the scales dropped off – I can vaguely see through the crack into the light. I have had an intermittent head-ache over the weekend but also feel more grounded, less stressed, and optimistic.

I notice that you do 30 minute sessions of chanting with sounds – Toning is what you mentioned I needed as part of my process. Please may I make an appointment for a Friday or Monday whenever you can fit me in.

I also mentioned that I am a massage/psycho and hypno-therapist. – and so as you can imagine – I am already thinking that i would like to move towards asking you to under-take to be my teacher and guide along the process – but all in the fullness of time, when you think i am ready. In the mean time i look forward to seeing you as much as i can afford. At the moment i don’t even have a job – or a divorce!

If any of your students ever need a body to work on please may I volunteer?

So all in all many doors will now open, I look forward to the process.

Thank you again for your time, expertise, patience, and kindness.

Hugs and love,

Janice – London

16th February 2009