When searching for Lingam Massage London you will want to ensure that you find a qualified and professional Tantric Practitioner.  Tantric Journey offers professional and highly skilled lingam massage London.

Lingam massage London is a form of Tantric massage offered as part of Tantric Treatment Plan offered by Tantric Journey. Of course, Lingam massage London is specifically tailored to be highly enjoyable and soothing at the same time.

Lingam Massage London from Tantric Journey helps with problems including

1.            Impotence

2.            Difficult urination

3.            Premature ejaculation

4.            Loss of erection

5.            Painful intercourse

6.            Lower back pain

7.            Body alignment and bad posture

8.            Strengthening pelvic flow muscles

9.            Overall health and Vitality

10.          Helps with ejaculatory control, which helps men prolong their lovemaking and satisfy women better


London tantric massage offered by Tantric Journey is not a sexual service, but instead a professional form of holistic healing; for Lingam massage London, when delivered by a qualified tantric practitioner, is rejuvenating for the whole body, mind and spirit.

The term lingam is an ancient tantric term that is used to describe the penis. In Sanskrit, the word lingam translates to “Shaft of Light” or “Wand of Light.”


lingam massage is a massage of the lingam using a variety of grips and strokes.

The purpose of a lingam massage is not to get a man to ejaculate, in professional hands a true lingam massage can release negative emotions, can revitalize his whole body and can expand his ability to receive pleasure and feel all the different levels of sensations in his body.

It’s very common for a man to become highly aroused during this type of massage. The intense sexual pleasure will be felt throughout his entire body, and not just around his genitals. A lingam massage can teach a man that ejaculation is not the only source of sexual pleasure; indeed, by learning not to ejaculate the man can retain his sexual energy and revitalize his body and mind.

The challenge many men face during this type of massage is letting go and focusing only on receiving.

  • This massage helps break down the blockages and to release toxins to increase blood flow to sexual organs.
  • Increased blood flow helps to release more hormones easily, to help stimulate both sexual and brain functioning.
  • Healthy hormonal balance helps us with protection against many health-related problems such as

Memory loss

Back pain

Poor circulation

Decreased libido

  • Helps to release past trauma and emotions held in sexual organs, increasing the orgasmic potential.

Contact Tantric Journey today for a Premature ejaculation London therapist.

Tantric Journey begins with Five Key practices:

  1. Talking & Listening Therapy to develop trust, safety and connection
  2. Tantric massage to evoke negative emotions
  3. Deep breathing with attention to help remove evoked stagnant emotions from the body
  4. Movement with feelings to disperse negative energy and move positive energy throughout the body
  5. Chanting to express emotions to dispel negative energy vocally, and to pull the orgasmic energy upwards towards the crown to feel orgasms in the head

The above Five Keys are helpful with systematically charging and discharging the body with energy. They can be used simultaneously or separately. The combined use increases the body’s capacity to generate and maintain high levels of energy, which is experienced as intensified and expanded excitement in the body.

Most people are unaware of the multiple ways to which a man’s body is capable of receiving pleasure besides the obvious. For many men and women, the body and all of its sensual components are still mysteries. As a result they are often left feeling unfulfilled on a long-term basis. The techniques learned through Tantric Journey Prostate massage therapy London sessions can help to unlock these mysteries and enable clients to feel fulfillment at a much deeper level.

For women, Tantra can empower and fulfill their sensual needs; For men, it can open up a whole new world to intimacy. For couples, it’s an opportunity to create a more meaningful, intimate and spiritual connection.


A lingam massage is an energising and healing massage of the penis. According to Tantric and Taoist philosophy and ancient knowledge the lingam possesses reflex points which when properly stimulated can release tension, trauma and facilitate healing.

Lingam is a Sanskrit word and doesn’t simply translate as penis instead it translates as ‘’wand of light.’’ In Tantra, the vision of the penis is different from the one typically held in the West. In Tantra, the penis is seen in an honourable manner and respected as a true “light wand” that channels creative energy and pleasure.

Over twenty five different holds and techniques are involved in the lingam massage and this is a deeply healing experience that involves awakening sexual energy, harnessing it and transporting it every cell in the body in order to revitalise and energise the entire body. This technique will also balance and harmonise the body as well as invigorating and strengthening the system.

The massage is offered as part of a Tantric Journey Prostate massage London treatment plan that includes the whole body and is a healing treatment that is designed to facilitate the release of emotional blockages, treatment of sexual dysfunctions, relaxation, body and mind revitalisation.